Friday, September 18, 2009

Best Records of the 00's - Against Me! "Searching For A Former Clarity"

I had been pretty familiar and interested in the band Against Me! before this record, as their previous albums were solid punk sing along fun. This is the one that really brought it home though. The songs sounded loud, the lyrics were great and it felt like it had been a while since a new punk band really made things sound new. To me this sounded new and it sounded relevant.

I also totally played the shit out of this when I got it, listening to it just about every day, singing along and driving my coworkers who sat in cubes near me crazy. A couple of them even started to know the choruses to songs like "Miami" and "Holy Shit".

The band is also one of the best live bands around. I can't praise them enough. The record after this "New Wave" is also very good, but a little different and "Searching For..." is still my go to Against Me! album. Check out a couple of these tracks here on YouTube:

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